Don't hate. My cake was hard to transport and started leaning. Oh well. Plus, it's super hard to make a fabulous looking cake when you aren't at your house and your fondant just doesn't want to work. Lame. However, Cohen was so excited for his Toy Story cake. He loved it and it was super yummy. The waiter told me that it was the most "kick A$$" cakes he ever tasted. Why..Thank You!
It was so much fun to celebrate this special guys birthday with family. We are so thankful for Cohen and love him so much. Here are some highlights of Cohen:
~He was potty trained a week after he turned 3! I was so happy.
~He says some of the FUNNIEST things out there. A few of our favorites are "Mom..You are annoying the TA-WAPP (crapp) out of me!" and a wonderful little gem busted out during sacrament: Me(whispering): Cohen, get your hands out of your pants. Cohen(yelling at the top of his lungs): MOM! I HAVE TO FIX MY WIENER! Congregation: *snicker snicker*
~Cohen stepping out on the back porch many times to...take a pee.
~Kisses on my arms and face and whispering over and over again.."I weawwy (really) wuff (love) you Mom"...melt.
~The funny positions he pulls while sleeping.
~Many mornings we are lucky to see Cohen eat his breakfast completely nude. The boy isn't shy!
~Big blue eyes.
We love you Cohen! Hope you had a wonderful day!
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