Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sigh...My 39.5 week appointment.

So, the doctor was totally wrong about the whole "I'll be surprised to see you here next week" line. Mitch and I laughed about that one on the day to the doc today. As far as things stand, I'm a very roomy 3 cm and 80% effaced. I had her strip my membranes to see if that will get anything started. That was my last resort. After this, I don't know what else to do to get this kid out into the world but wait.

I refuse to get induced. If any of you are interested why, rent or get The Business of Being Born. It's an amazing documentary and very educational about how birth's in the U.S. are handled these days. It really opened up Mitch's eyes. I also let the kids watch it because it shows live births on there and I thought it would be good for them to see what happens during a birth. They were quite fascinated with it and asked questions which I didn't mind answering.

Cross your fingers that I go into labor soon! I'm miserable!

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