Monday, May 12, 2008

The Month of May (so far)

The month of May has been a very busy one for our family. Not only did Cohen turn 2 this month, but Mitch graduated with his Master of Accountancy all while finishing up the basement. I couldn't be more proud of my husband. He has worked really hard to get where he is today. He did all this while working full time, finishing up the basement, getting the yard in, and dealing with a huge, onry, pregnant wife!

So here is Cohen! I love the look on his face. He really likes cake and couldn't wait to dig in!


Mitch after the commencement ceremony complete with hood.


And here is me...I'm thinking that the baby has dropped, significantly!!


I have prodromal labor all. the. time. I will have contractions, but they just last a few hours then go away. I guess it's okay. I still have 3 weeks left. I'm just so tired, not that it will get any better once the baby gets here, but at least, then, I can move normally without dealing with sciatic and vericose vein pain!

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