Saturday, August 23, 2008

Our Last Hurrah of the Summer!

This summer has been kind of crappy for the kids with everything that has been going on with Aja and Cohen. So Mitch and I took the kids up to Bear Lake for the day for one last Hurrah! before school started. They had so much fun! Anessa is a blast to take to anywhere with water because she jumps right in! Peyton, he will get in for minutes at a time, but mostly thought it was too cold, so he played in the sand. Cohen is Cohen and sat there in the water not doing anything really but watching the mud drip through his fingers.

Every time a wave would hit Cohen in the face he would sit there and lick the water. It was so gross! I couldn't get him to stop!

Peyton shooting water at Cohen. You can tell how cold he is by how much he's bunching his body!

O fearless one. I swear she has no cold sensation in her unless it's 100 degrees outside, then..she's cold. P.S. Nice look on her face, huh!

Mitch is going to kill me for posting this picture. It's a pic of his HAWT bum, and white body! It's not so white now is it hunny?? He didn't put sunscreen on his back, but made sure to wear a hat on his head, and got FRIED! I swear his skin is about purple..He's been suffering..heehee..

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